
Be Successful!

Success drives a person to be ambitious and to achieve more. Success makes us happy. With success, we get more power, material benefits and it establishes a good reputation for us. Success shows that we are qualified for a particular job and it reflects our ability to achieve targets.

But the Bible says,

The Lord says, “it is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you were successful. It is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, but because of the promise made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob (Deut 9-6).

When we are successful, let us be humble and give God the credit for our success.

Prayer For a Successful Life!

Lord, we give credit for our succes to You. It is not my righteousness that has made me what I am today, It is Your grace and Your blessing. I thank You Lord for everything in my life, my achievements, my studies,, my talent and my abiitiy to be successful goes to You, O Lord, In Jesus Name, Amen

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