A Godly Life!

Live a Godly Life!

Learn to live a godly life.

Live a godly life, because God expects you to do so. Let there be a difference between you and ohers. Let people see the difference and accept Christ, because You reflect the light of God.

An Impossible Situation!

Dealing with Impossible Situations!

When situations seem impossible and there is no solution to the problem, remember what Jesus taught you…

Say to the situation, “Quiet! Be Still!

“Quiet! Be Still! Said Jesus. Then the wind died down and it was completely calm (Mark 4:39).

Jesus has given you authority over situations, Use it!

I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing will injure you (Luke 10-19).

Deal with Situations, Use Your Authority!

Use your authority as the son and daughter of God. Command the situation in the name of Jesus and it will calm down.

Dont let situations overcome you but you overcome situations by using the name of Jesus.

Slaughter of Lamb

Slaughtered Lamb

The lamb is slaughtered, so that the blood is offered to God as a penalty for sin to seek forgiveness.

In the Bible, Jesus is the Lamb slaughtered for the sins of man. There is no need for slaughter of lamb as a sin offering.

Jesus is the lamb who was slain and with His blood he purchased every person from every tribe and language and people and nation (Revelation 5:9).

Jesus is the Lamb who bought us with His precious blood (I Peter 1:19).

Any sin, any tresspass, any wrong doing is washed by the blood of Jesus. Just a word of prayer seeking forgiveness will cure us of all sins.

“Lord, forgive me, I am a sinner. Give me the strength to overcome temptations and to walk in the right path, Amen”

This is a simple prayer that will draw us closer to God!

A Day at the Beach!

Enjoy Your Day at the Beach

When I take a walk in the beach, I never cease to wonder at the waves rolling by, they never come out of a certain boundary. Though the waves may roar, they come up to a particular point and return back to the sea.

This thought reminds me of a verse from the Bible.

The Lord says in Jeremiah, chapter 5,

The Lord says, With my might, I created the oceans and seas, I have laid boundaries for the waters, but the people are unable to realize that it is I, the Lord, who is in control over nature and man.

Today, let us commit ourselves to God and say,

“Lord, You are my creator, You have created everything in this world. Just as You control nature, You are in total control of my life. You are God, You are my Creator! I thank You! Amen.

Worship the Lord!

Worship the Lord, for His might, His power, His wisdom; Be grateful that God is in control over everything!

Train Your Voice!

Train Your Voice to Praise the Lord!

Your mouth is a powerful weapon. What you speak and how you speak helps in our personal growth.

The Bible gives a few tips on how to train your voice to worship the Lord.

I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise will always be on my lips (Ps 34:1).

When we open our mouth and offer praises, we glorify God (Ps 50:23).

I called to the Lord, who is worthy of Praise (Ps 18:3).

My mouth is filled with Your praise, declaring Your splendor all day long (Ps 71:8).

Let us use our mouths, our lips and our hearts to praise the Lord… In this manner we glorify our LOrd. All the burdens of our heart will flee, negative thinking will turn positive and our spirit rejoices.
Train your Voice to Glorify the Lord!

Making Choices!

Make the Right Choice!

When our mind suggests a particular choice, but in practice we prefer another decision, we need God’s help to choose and make the right choice.

  • I do what I hate, I don’t do what I like to do (Romans 7-15)
  • It is the sin that lives in me that makes me behave in this manner. Who will rescue me from this body that is taking me to death? (Romans 7-17,24).

When we seek God’s help, we can make the right choice.

A simple prayer to make the right choice!

Lord, take control of my mind. Help me to overcome sin. Help me to take the right path. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Pray for Elections

Pray for Elections!

Let us remember that Jesus has authority over the outcome of the election.


Be Successful!

Success drives a person to be ambitious and to achieve more. Success makes us happy. With success, we get more power, material benefits and it establishes a good reputation for us. Success shows that we are qualified for a particular job and it reflects our ability to achieve targets.

But the Bible says,

The Lord says, “it is not because of your righteousness or your integrity that you were successful. It is not because of your righteousness that the Lord your God is giving you this good land to possess, but because of the promise made to Abraham, Issac and Jacob (Deut 9-6).

When we are successful, let us be humble and give God the credit for our success.

Prayer For a Successful Life!

Lord, we give credit for our succes to You. It is not my righteousness that has made me what I am today, It is Your grace and Your blessing. I thank You Lord for everything in my life, my achievements, my studies,, my talent and my abiitiy to be successful goes to You, O Lord, In Jesus Name, Amen


Backsliding Christians!

When our loved ones backslide, it fills our hearts with grief. There are many famous celebrities who are backsliding and giving wrong signals to the world.

Pray for Backsliding Christians,

Lord, I pray for our loved ones, our fellow Christians who are backsliding. Lord given them another chance, just as you rescued me from the miry clay of sin.

The prophet Hosea speaks about such Christians who are backsliding.

When we say, Lord, forgive our sins and receive us graciously, and offer the fruit of our lips (worship), the Lord will forgive us and bring us back to Him (Hosea 14-2).

If you know of people who are backsliding, pray for them. The Lord seeks one person who will stand in the gap and pray for such people.

Stand in the gap! Pray!

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