
Backsliding Christians!

When our loved ones backslide, it fills our hearts with grief. There are many famous celebrities who are backsliding and giving wrong signals to the world.

Pray for Backsliding Christians,

Lord, I pray for our loved ones, our fellow Christians who are backsliding. Lord given them another chance, just as you rescued me from the miry clay of sin.

The prophet Hosea speaks about such Christians who are backsliding.

When we say, Lord, forgive our sins and receive us graciously, and offer the fruit of our lips (worship), the Lord will forgive us and bring us back to Him (Hosea 14-2).

If you know of people who are backsliding, pray for them. The Lord seeks one person who will stand in the gap and pray for such people.

Stand in the gap! Pray!

The Bible

The Bible is the Word of God

What is the Word? What is the Bible?

In John 1:1,

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God (John 1:1).

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.

In Revelation, God is referred to as “The Word”.

He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood and His name is the Word of God (Rev 19:13).

Just as we refer to the Bible for the “Word”, Jesus was well-versed with the Old Testament. That is why He was able to quote from the Bible when He replies to Satan (Matt 4:4-10).

Let us refer to the Bible, the Word, everyday,

God spoke to Samuel the Prophet through the ‘Word’.

The Lord revealed Himself to Samuel through His word (I Sam 3:21).

Today, let us refer to the Word for advice, for counsel, for us to take the right path, and to seek God.

Pray Regularly!

Pray without Ceasing!

Pray without ceasing, pray regularly.

How to Pray without ceasing?

When you put salt into the dish while cooking, say, “Lord, help me be the salt of the earth”.

When you switch on the light, say, “Lord, help me to reflect your light to others”.

When you take a brisk walk in the sun, say, “Lord, You are the creator and You have made the sun, the sky and the clouds. You have made me a part of this beautiful creation”.

When you eat food, say, “Thank You Lord for giving me food, for giving me the money to buy food, for good health”.

When you see an ambulance cross across, say, “Lord, protect that person in the ambulance. Give that person good health and help that person meet the medical expenses, bless that soul”.

When you see a drunkard, say, “Lord, help him to overcome that habit of drinking liquor”.

When you see someone living in sin, say, “Lord, help that person come out of that pit of sin, because You shed Your blood for that person. Let that person not perish in sin, but help that person become Your child”.

There are many ways to pray without ceasing, to continue steadfastly in prayer, to be constant in prayer,…..Just keep praying and the Lord will work miracles.

Keep Praying!

  • Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving (Col 4-2).
  • Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (I Thes 5-17,18).
  • Be constant in prayer (Rom 12-12).



Are you looking for peace. Don’t search the world for peace. Your friends, your spouse, your family, entertainment, liquor….. nothing can give you peace. Seek peace from God.

How to Find Peace?

Spend some minutes in prayer. Be alone with Christ. Tell Him your troubles, shed your tears in prayer and confide the turmoil within you.

Jesus said,

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (Luke 14-27).

Where is Peace?

Yes, Jesus has given us His peace within our hearts. Just search for this inner peace, which you can find when you spend time alone with God.

  • And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:20).

Jesus is with us. He is in our heart. Search your heart and you will find Him.

Once you find Christ within you,

  • Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you (I Peter 5-7).
  • Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts (Col 3-15).

Find God, Find Peace!

Take time to spend with God. You need inner strength, not a few minutes of worldly pleasure. Find God within you to gain peace.

Prayer of Surrender!

Prayer of Total Surrender!

When situations are overwhelming and you do not know what to do, just trust God and say, “Lord, I surrender to You. Lord, help me”.

Prayer of Surrender

When enemies came against King Asa, he surrendered to God saying, “Lord, I am helpless against this vast army, I surrender to you in prayer’

King Asa called to the Lord God, “Lord, there is no one like You to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, Lord, our God, for we rely on You, and in Your name we have come against this vast army. Lord, You are our God, do not let mere mortals prevail against You” (II Chronicles 14-11).

Prayer seeking help from God

Lord, I surrender to You, help me. There is no one like You. I am a mere mortal, but You are the sovereign God. Help me. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Keep Your Mouth Clean!

Mouth Hygiene!

To maintain your mouth hygiene and to keep your mouth clean, the Bible prescribes a few steps,

Jesus says,

  • What goes into the mouth does not defile a man, but what comes out of it (Matthew 15-11)
  • Whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body. But what comes out of the mouth comes out of the heart and defiles him… murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. Eating with unwashed hands will not defile a man (Matth 15-18).

Keep your mouth clean. Do not defile it. Maintain the hygiene of your mouth.

The Eagle!

Like an Eagle!

The Lord hovers over His children like the eagle.

  • The Lord shields His child and cares for him. He guarded him as the apple of His eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest and hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them and carries them aloft (Deut 32: 11)
  • Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength and soar on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint (Is 40-31).

Trust the Lord to take care of you. He is protective like an eagle and gives us the strength of an eagle.

Trust in Him. Enjoy His protection always.

After Easter!

After Easter, What?

After Easter, what happened to Christ Jesus?

After Easter, or after the resurrection, Jesus Christ is now the chief priest who intercedes for all sinners in heaven.

  • Jesus entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by His own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption (Heb 9-12).
  • Christ through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to God to cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death ((Heb 9-13).
  • He always lives to intercede for sinners (Heb 7-25).

Jesus Christ is alive and lives within us as the Holy Spirit. He dwells within our hearts and guides us. Our body is the temple of the Lord. Jesus Christ died for our sins. Today, He continues to pardon our sins in heaven. That is the good news.

Let us keep our body and thoughts holy because Christ dwells within us.


Importance of Easter!

Easter is an important day, because it is on Easter Sunday that Jesus rose from the dead.

Jesus is alive. He reigns in heaven. He is present in our hearts. He speaks to us every day.

Jesus is God because Jesus is alive. The tomb in which He was burried is empty. Jesus rose from the dead. He is alive.

Place your faith on the God who is alive. Jesus Christ is alive and is the one true GOD!

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